If you surveyed 100 people about their artistic views, you would get 100 different responses. It’s the same thing with tastes about flooring types. Some like the appeal and class of hardwood, some like the warmth and comfort of carpeting and when it comes to color, texture, sheen, durability, and costs, it would be nearly impossible to arrive at a consensus. That is why combining flooring types is a valid consideration.
Personal taste and a home’s design ultimately guide the decor’s direction. When you want to mix flooring types, however, you will need to think about continuity and flow. By chopping up the flow of a space haphazardly with different flooring materials, you will make it appear disjointed or broken up. A home should flow effortlessly without being too bland or too mismatched. So, go ahead. Use a mix of wood, tile and carpet. Just do it in a way that makes practical and decorative sense.
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Here are a few examples of combinations that are commonly used:
Combining Flooring Types: HARDWOOD AND CARPET
The natural beauty of hardwood is amazing, but it lacks the warmth and coziness of carpeting. By sectioning off a special area for carpeting, this can produce the best of both worlds. If the colors and patterns work together, the result will be dramatic.
Combining Flooring Types: CARPET AND TILE
Similarly, tile and carpet can achieve the same thing. Metal strips are available to make the transition from one to the other seamless. Tile is flexible and is great in kitchen areas where spills are likely. In a home with a great room, there may be no clear barrier between the kitchen area and the living room area. Going from tile to carpeting can be the perfect way to maintain the openness while at the same time providing a different feel in each area.

Combining Flooring Types: TILE AND HARDWOOD
There is no reason to rule out combinations that do not include carpeting. Hardwood and tile can work well together as well. Remember to consider texture, color, patterns, and sheen when mixing tile and hardwood. If the colors are close, it may turn out like a mismatch. If they are too contrasting, it may seem gaudy or unattractive.
So in summary, let’s keep all options open. There are wonderful and affordable choices available. Go Mobile Flooring can bring our mobile showroom to you so you can see a plethora of possibilities. If you have an eye for design, the challenge of combining floor types ought to be a great opportunity to use your skills. If you don’t have that ability, no problem, we can give you expert advice.